

Rust has no null. Instead, use Option⮳:

enum Option<T> {
fn main() {}

Every Option is either Some and contains a value, or None, and does not.

fn main() {
    let _some_number = Some(5);

    let absent_number: Option<i32> = None;
    println!("{:?}", absent_number);

It is often used with match, if let, or while let:

fn bake_cake(sprinkles: Option<&str>) -> String {
    let mut cake = String::from("A delicious cake base...");

    // Add required ingredients

    // Handle optional sprinkles
    if let Some(sprinkle_choice) = sprinkles {
            format!(" with a sprinkle of {}", sprinkle_choice).as_str(),
    } else {
        // sprinkles is None
        cake.push_str(" ready for your decorating touch!");

fn main() {
    bake_cake(Some("rainbow nonpareils"));

Adapters for working with references

  • as_ref converts from &Option<T> to Option<&T>
  • as_mut converts from &mut Option<T> to Option<&mut T>
  • as_deref converts from &Option<T> to Option<&T::Target>
  • as_deref_mut converts from &mut Option<T> to Option<&mut T::Target>

Extracting the value contained in Option

These methods extract the contained value in an Option<T> when it is the Some variant. If the Option is None:

  • expect panics with a provided custom message
  • unwrap panics with a generic message
  • unwrap_or returns the provided default value
  • unwrap_or_default returns the default value of the type T (which must implement the Default trait)
  • unwrap_or_else returns the result of evaluating the provided function



use std::fs;

// `and_then` applies a function to the wrapped value if it's Some.
fn read_file(filename: &str) -> Option<String> {
        .ok() // Convert `Result` to `Option`
        .and_then(|contents| Some(contents.trim().to_string()))
    // `and_then` chains operations on `Some`

fn main() {
    let contents = read_file("poem.txt");

    // Using `match` to process the returned Option.
    match contents {
        Some(poem) => println!("{}", poem),
        None => println!("Error reading file"),