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Play Framework

Play Framework

The Play application layout

The layout of a Play application is standardized to keep things as simple as possible. After a first successful compile, a Play application looks like this:

app                      → Application sources
 └ assets                → Compiled asset sources
    └ stylesheets        → Typically LESS CSS sources
    └ javascripts        → Typically CoffeeScript sources
 └ controllers           → Application controllers
 └ models                → Application business layer
 └ views                 → Templates
build.sbt                → Application build script
conf                     → Configurations files and other non-compiled resources (on classpath)
 └ application.conf      → Main configuration file
 └ routes                → Routes definition
dist                     → Arbitrary files to be included in your projects distribution
public                   → Public assets
 └ stylesheets           → CSS files
 └ javascripts           → Javascript files
 └ images                → Image files
project                  → sbt configuration files
 └      → Marker for sbt project
 └ plugins.sbt           → sbt plugins including the declaration for Play itself
lib                      → Unmanaged libraries dependencies
logs                     → Logs folder
 └ application.log       → Default log file
target                   → Generated stuff
 └ resolution-cache      → Info about dependencies
 └ scala-2.11
    └ api                → Generated API docs
    └ classes            → Compiled class files
    └ routes             → Sources generated from routes
    └ twirl              → Sources generated from templates
 └ universal             → Application packaging
 └ web                   → Compiled web assets
test                     → source folder for unit or functional tests